

This is Koisty.
Or, as Mark will no doubt notice,
a blatant rip-off of a 40k librarian.
Koist likes the books, y'see.


Since the fall of Babel, the Sentries of Etymology have stood vigilant. Koisty is one such Sentry, the Guardian of the English Language.
Known as Legend among the elucidated, she bears a special resentment towards the United States, and her Sword of Spelling lusts hungrily for American necks.

Mightier than this sword, though, is the Pen of the Pleiades, the seven daughters of Atlas. Legend uses this pen to make annotations in the dreaded Thesaurus of Reckoning.

The Grammatical Gattling Gun, grafted to Legend's right arm, strike's down those who take the apostrophe in vain. Itself, it cuts through the ranks of the reflexive pronoun abusers, and rains down fire upon those who would seek to recklessly split the infinitive.


