NJN - 8


NJN-8 is the ro-bot form of Stephen.


Straight out of the Tetrionic Uber-Factories of Thyferra, NJN-8 was originally designed as a maintenance/astro-navigation droid for the Torquay United Free Tibet organization. He served them well for several months, maintaining the players of Torquay United and navigating them through the stars. Unfortunately, a malodorous young rapscallion by the name of Stephen G Wilson infiltrated TUFT and uploaded his consciousness to NJN-8. He made off with the precious ro-bot, equipping it with several weapon systems, a new soundcard, a CD re-writer and 3 gigabytes of RAM.

Stephen recently joined the all-new Ro-bot Alliance, which he intends to betray as soon as he has acquired the materials to lend a more Victorian slant to his mechanical appearance.


