This is how I want to die..


Transformers : The Movie is a most mysterious thing. 
I was walking home from the shitty job centre in the shitty rain, and I got to thinking.
When trying to list all the transformers who die in TF:TM, the words "well....sort of" keep cropping up. Perhaps I shouldn't explain, but I'm going to.

Brawn: Gets shot in the Autobot Shuttle. Reappears in several post-movie episodes, with no reason given for his survival.

Prowl: Gets shot in the Autobot Shuttle, dies. 

Ratchet: Gets shot in shuttle, dies.*

Ironhide: Shot in shuttle, dies.

Optimus Prime: Ah. Right. Here we go. 
Prime and Megatron severely fuck each other up. In the course of this, the Deceptions are routed, but Prime later dies of his wounds. Sort of. He's resurrected in Dark Awakening** only to go nuts and eventually kill himself again. Kinda. In The Return of Optimus Prime he gets yanked straight back onto his feet again. If they kill him off subsequent to this, I don't want to know.

Megatron: Survives his battle with Prime, only to be hurled off of Astrotrain by Starscream. He doesn't die, but is recreated as Galvatron by Unicron.*

Thundercracker and Skywarp: Also hurled from Astrotrain after being injured in the assault on Autobot City. Unicron transforms Thundercracker into Scourge. Skywarp has a 50/50 chance of being Cyclonus. It's a very confusing scene. Further complicating matters is the fact that Thundercracker and Skywarp are quite clearly present at Starscream's coronation, after being remade by Unicron. Hmmm.

Kickback, Shrapnel, and Bombshell: Again, hurled from Astrotrain. Unicron turns Kickback and Shrapnel into Sweeps. Bombshell is the other possible Cyclonus. Frankly, I really doubt this.

Starscream: "Is that you, Megatron?" Here's a hint..." CHOOM.
And Starscream crumples into a tiny pile of dust.
Only to reappear (briefly) in Starscream's Ghost....
And then again in Ghost in the Machine, where he comes back to life  after being given a new body by Unicron's head.
Then he gets killed by Galvatron. Again. I think. 

Krellix: Not really a Transformer. Still dies, though. Gets fed to the Sharkticons on Quintessa.

Ultra Magnus: Blown to pieces by the Sweeps. Reassembled (and indeed polished) by the Junkions some minutes later.

Various Sharkticons: Hot Rod and Kup do away with a fair few. Who cares, though? There's thousands of the buggers. Even after Grimlock starts jumping on 'em.

Unicron: Hot Rod uses the Matrix to fuck him up royally. Toronto Gosh...BOOM!
I forget the episode, but I'm fairly sure Galvatron re-enters his head later in the series and manages to re-activate it.
(Upon further inspection, this happens in Grimlock's New Brain. Galvatron, Cyclonus and the Terrorcons pay Unicron's head a visit, in order to obtain anti-electrons. Obviously. It's a hugely nonsensical episode. Good, though.)
(Argh! It happens again in Ghost in the Machine. Starscream (possessing the body of Scourge) re-activates him by twiddling two wires together. Hmm.

Wheelie: I fucking wish...




*In the comic continuity, none of the events portrayed in TF:TM actually happen. Ratchet and Megatron are assumed killed in a rather hefty explosion. Later it transpires that they are blown into "unspace" and fused into a single entity. The Autobots manage to retrieve said entity, and, Grimlock being the fuck-up that he is, they are both revived.

**Also featuring: The corpse of Ironhide! Yaay!


My, what a catchy theme tune.