It's the MELON BOOK!



You big nonce.




Sigh. OK, kid, here's how it went down:

It was a windy day in the big city, see?  An' the oilers an' the greasers wus out up ta no good.  Kid like you woulda got himself juiced inna snap.

Lucky fur us we wus indoors, with a coupla' sassy broads. Jus' kickin' back, ya know? Lettin' the good times roll.

So anyhow, this stiff  Wilson comes up ta me, ya see, kid? And he's givin' me some lip. In one mitt he's got this power sander, real smooth number, the works. In the other, he's holdin' my prize melon. Honeydew. They jus' don't make 'em like that any more, kid, you see what I'm sayin'?

Of course, I ain't gonna take that from no stiff, so I says "Hey! Don't sand my melon!"

Now that one got 'im. Reeeal flummoxed-like, he was. Couldn't figure that one out at all.

So anyways, we gets ta gabbin'. See, I reckons this phrase ain't never been used before, leastways, not by any of dese bums. An' this fella agrees. We wus thinkin how ain't nobody eva used dem words, least not all at once.

Then we realised we talk that kinda baloney all the time.

So we starts jottin' 'em down, see? for you kids to maybe learn sometin'.

What's that ya say, kid? What about dem two dames?

Yeah, they ate the melon.



Never trust the chicks, kid.