Mr. Bob Evil



Fear him.


Mr. Bob Evil is the current, first, and indeed only CEO of EvilCo™, a worldwide corporation which seeks to further the causes of : 
a) evil and  b) 5 ¼" floppy discs. 

He is entirely ro-bot in nature, and was constructed by a future incarnation of himself. Thus, his agenda is his alone, a fact lost on the ro-bot alliance which he recently co-founded. Mr. Bob Evil intends to betray this alliance as soon as he masters time travel and recruits an army of Ents to assist his evil crusade.

When recently interviewed for "E.V.I.L. Monthly: Swimsuit Edition" M.B.E was asked: "Why do you have a bomb for a head?"
His response was "I don't really like to talk about it..." followed by a series of bursts from his arm-laser which destroyed the interviewer, the restaurant in which the interview was conducted, and several neighboring buildings. Two bookshops and a library were listed among the casualties, and Legend is reported to be "very upset" with the enigmatic Mr. Evil.



