

I'm giving Brie 2 wedges.
I'm quite sure that if Stephen were reviewing cheeses, he'd give Brie 10 wedges, 2 raised thumbs and a lot of praise. But this is me. And I'm not very fond of Brie.

Sure, it's got a nice texture to it, excusing occasional lumps. It's quite a soft cheese, apart from the rind. And that's the thing - the rind is horrible. Once again, my core cheese politics are varying from those of the Hairway to Steven*, who likes the rind. 
Taken along with attendant cheese, it's nearly edible, but "nearly edible" does not a good cheese make. Imagine the ad campaign?
 "You Can Almost Force Our New Cheese Down" 
I shouldn't eat this, and neither should you.

Mog maintains that some part of it should taste like mushrooms.
Well, fungus, certainly.




* I know it's "Stephen". It was for the sake of a pune. You probably shouldn't be reading this anyway. I'm ragging on your favourite cheese.


Flee the Brie