

Mark-chops. On fire.


Mark started life as a tiny baby, but quickly grew up to be chief wine-waiter at the Glasgow Hilton. He and the pudding waiter were mortal enemies, for Mark gathered far more in the way of tips, as he supplied the patrons with precious alcohol. One day the pudding waiter "accidentally" tripped over a rug, launching toward Mark a recently-ignited Crêpe Suzette

What neither waiter knew was that the head chef was the recently-irradiated Garlic Salt Man, and that this was one of his special desserts.
Within seconds Mark was ablaze with blue-purple flames. His skin blackened, his eyes flashed azure, but his flesh was not consumed. Mark was enhanced thousandfold by the unholy flame of Garlic Salt Man.

He incinerated the pudding waiter in an eyeblink, and burned his way to the main kitchens, only to find them mysteriously empty. Rechristening himself Charr, the blazing waiter vowed that he would not rest until he had been avenged. 



