Garlic Salt Man


It's Gary. Obviously.


Garlic Salt Man was once Gary Munday, the head chef of the Glasgow Hilton, a connoisseur of curious condiments and a culinary Cassanova beyond compare.

This blissful existence was cruelly ended when he fell into his own microwave, clutching a jar of garlic salt. He emerged physically unscathed, but the non-ionizing radiation had given rise to other, more subtle effects. 

Soon, his culinary powers began to manifest. Talking rice puddings, photonic bacon, and a mysterious flying rhinoceros apparently made of pasta terrorized the city, tipping a bucket of bad publicity all over the Hilton. 

Events came to a head over the inadvertent creation of Charr, which cost Gary his job. Gary fled the wrath of Charr, creating a gingerbread hideout in which to store his many utensils.


